Friday, August 2, 2013

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been brainstorming on new ideas for my blog American Girl in Holland. I started this blog 2 summers ago after the encouragement of a few friends to tell the story of my expat adventures. It was a great way to keep track of everything that I’m doing so that my family and friends could follow and remember.

Along the way, I’ve talked about my adventures in travel, a little bit about my kids, my dogs, funny things about the Dutch and funny things about Americans or me in particular.

I’ve recently decided to add a few repeating themes to my blog. One thing I love about writing my blog is that it’s mine. No one is paying me to write, I do it for my own pleasure. Along the way if others choose to read and enjoy…. That’s just a bonus. But I enjoy writing what I want and when I want. We’ve all heard about writers block. Well… let me say this ~ it’s true. Sometimes, I’ll be looking at a blank page trying to think of something exciting to say and all I get is nothing. An idea has to jump out at me and make me want to write about it.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll begin gathering info on a few topics I would like to repeat weekly. (Hopefully) If there’s one missing go ahead and understand I’m having a mental block.

I will also be looking for people that would like to guest blog or weigh in their opinions on a few topics. If this interests you just let me know by e mail….

Stay tuned for these upcoming repeating topics:
Windmill Wednesdays
Throwback Thursdays
Fashion Fridays ~ Funny or Fabulous?

Remember the part I said above about what I want, when I want? I will still be throwing in all sorts of other random stories about my adventures and of course my beloved puppies.

So for now…. Stay cool. Forecast for the day: High 93 with a low of 64. That’s Degrees not Celsius. Pretty, blue sky, glorious huge green trees blowing in the breeze, windmills turning, swans and ducks gently floating on the lakes and canals and the slight smell of pot in some areas. 

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