Wednesday, September 23, 2015
September Picture of the Day~Light
September 19~Light
A lamp I saw in the Champagne region of France made from a Champagne bottle. I'd love one of these! Let there be Light.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ L
Little Dutch ABC Book
Route of Lights Festival
In 1947 a celebration was held in
Eindhoven to remember the liberation of Eindhoven from Nazi Germany. The committee
asked neighborhood homeowners to light the route with a light in the window to
show the route of the festival. Most people used a candle as supplies were
still in short demand. But no matter what, the Dutch people wanted to celebrate
and show their appreciation for their freedom. I’ve written two stories which I
think need to be read here if you haven’t had the time. It’s stories like these
why the Dutch will never forget the men in black that dropped from the sky and
came to rescue them during World War II. A grateful nation that will never
forget. This year the festival starts today September 17th and will continue thru October 11th.
These are just 2 stories of the millions of people murdered during WWII.
Let's make sure we never forget.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
My Little Dutch ABC Book~K
Little Dutch ABC Book
Kleding ~ Clothing
What’s a girl to say about kleding but except I’m a fan. It took me a long time after moving to The Netherlands to embrace the clothes they sell here. It’s funny, but when you tell people you live in Europe, people expect everyone here to look like they just stepped off the pages of Vogue.
In reality it’s not the case. People are working hard, pushing through life and biking all over the place.
I’ve had a few scary encounters with people who look like
they been choosing their clothes from the far back section of their closets…
like from 20 years ago.
But I’ve also seen people really making a change over
the last few years as well.
One of my favorite stores right now is a little shop in my
village. The owner is fabulous and always invites me to have a cup of tea with
her. Just a fabulous way to enjoy shopping and I love getting to know my new Dutch
When in doubt though, just throw in a fabulous scarf!
When in doubt though, just throw in a fabulous scarf!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Picture of the Day~My Shoes
Picture of the Day
September 15~My Shoes
Taking my shoes to get fixed at a podiatrist. This is her office. Yes, this is what happens when you fall in January and your other foot is just now feeling the effects of the fall!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Picture of the Day~A Friend
Picture of the Day
September 13~A Friend
Picture of the Day~ A Friend. Having a sad kind of day, cleaning out closets and keeping quiet. I pull from the back a painting from A Friend. My sister Laura painted this for me in January. It's the last thing she gave to me but she'll forever be in my heart. #americagirlinholland #theidearoom #sisters #friends
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Picture of the Day~New
Picture of the Day
September 12~New
This new baby Belted Galloway is new to this beautiful world! I like a little milk with my Oreos.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
September PIcture of the Day~Something that starts with the letter B
September 10~Bakfiets
A Bakfiets is a cargo bike. People use this type of bike to haul groceries,deliveries and even children. To me it's endearing to see a mom or dad toting their children in a box that is attached to their bike. I've read before that Dutch children are the happiest in the world. Growing up being this close to mom or dad is a beautiful way to start life.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Picture of the Day~Hide
Picture of the Day
September 9~Hide
This is the ally in Eindhoven where Maurice's family had to walk in order to get to the next house to hide from the Natzis. How scared they must have been. Here's the link to Maurice's story if you have not read it.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Picture of the Day~Circle
Picture of the Day~Circle
September 6~Circle
No post from me about a circle would be complete if I didn't include the world famous Hovenring. This ring is a bike path that is suspended in the air keeping the bikers away from the traffic at the area between Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven. The ring of the Hovens.
I say world famous because when national graphic comes to town you know people around the world will get a good idea of what life here is like.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Picture of the Day ~ Empty
Picture of the day
September 5 ~ Empty
Empty but only after being full of my chili. Rainy days and chili is a great combination. @theidearoom
My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ J
My Little Dutch ABC Book
Jumbo ~ pronounced Yumbo
I thought for today's letter I would pull a post from the past. Sounds eerie but actually it's fabulous. Enjoy my favorite J word here in The Netherlands....
Friday, September 4, 2015
My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ I
My Little Dutch ABC Book ~ I
Ijsje~ ice cream
Sounds about the same but taste so much better especially my favorite stratchella.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
September 2 Picture of the Day Hard Work
September 2 ~ Hard Work
My daughter's mother in law, Peggy, made this for me. It sits on my bed in The Netherlands. Truly beautiful and a lot of hard work! To me the X's look like windmills. Thank you again Peggy!! @ theidearoom
September picture a day Inspire
Ok I'm going to try this challenge. Sometimes life gets in the way and we all get busy. I saw this post on The Idea Room about posting a picture a day during the month of September. We'll see how it goes. I'll try to write the date and the word for the day challenge.
September 1 ~ Inspire
Working in the Netherlands. Getting outside and doing things from a time gone by. Very inspiring. @ theidearoom
My Little Dutch ABC Book H
Little Dutch ABC Book
Huisarts ~ Family Doctor
When I first arrived in The Netherlands, I quickly discovered the process of seeing the doctor as I was already on some medications and needed them to be monitored. I was told where to register at my neighborhood medical office. No we did not get to choose from all over the city. Everyone in my neighborhood went to the same one, but within the medical office there were about 4-5 doctors to choose from.
As I entered the office I went into a large waiting area that I noticed was full of many people chatting (because they’re all neighbors!). A lovely coat rack was full of rain coats as it was raining that morning. This is pretty standard at most areas like restaurants and offices. I opted to hold onto mine as I have a fear of lice or someone walking off with the wrong coat (mine).
The young assistant came out and called my name and I followed her to a room. To my surprise the young assistant was to be my doctor. When I say young, I mean early 20’s, just starting her learning to become a doctor. I asked politely if there was another doctor and she said yes, of course. Sorry but I have grown up adult medical needs and wanted someone a little older than Doogie to be tending to me.
It all worked out fine but I will say after I moved to my new home in my new little village I feel much more at ease. My doctors know me well. And one of the greatest joys I have is to be out and see my doctor biking with his dog waving a hearty hello to me. Yes, he knows me and I know him. The perfect way to make me feel comfortable.
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